Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Paris a Day: #20

Today I went to Cimetière du Père-Lachaise and saw the graves of some of the most famous corpses in Paris: Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Chopin, Oscar Wilde, etc. Amongst all the fanfare of these wealthy phantoms I found this simple grave site. No name visible, falling apart, and being completely taken over by nature. It was beautiful.

Many of the tombs have fallen in disrepair from lack of care from families. Between the giant monuments and the celebrity tombstones lie the forgotten.

p.s. -- read this book.


  1. Amazing! The venue Dustin and I played at in 2007 is right down the street from that cemetery...soon after, Elo was living a short walk further down the same street.

    Glad you're having such an amazing time!
