The show was nice, just on the outskirts of the main thoroughfare for art watching. Although, not an official DAW affiliate, Motion LA / Gallery X had plenty of drop ins. The bright inviting colors of the space itself, and the music pouring from the adjoining performance room was enough to entice passersby into the gallery to view the modest collection of up-and-coming artists. Two of my three peices were hung. Unfortunately I think that there were fewer submissions, or perhaps more wall space than anticipated. The show seemed sparce and spread out. I was expecting all of the peices to actually have been in the 12 x 12 format and assembled to create a wall of art. Unfortunately the actual exhibit was more traditional. Maybe I just misunderstood. But I think that would make an awesome show! Anyone want to organize it? I've got a slew of 12 x 12 canvases to work on!
I have shown pretty regularly over the past year in Chinatown near the art walk. However, this was actually my first time experiencing it. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this is what I got. Los Angeles opens her doors to all walks of life on these monthly events. Galleries mimic night clubs, Night clubs mimic galleries, and there is music and art pouring out from every crack in the sidewalk. The wealthy in their designer suits rub elbows with the barely surviving city dwellers and creative types discussing, admiring, or sometimes mocking art and sipping their free wine; becoming intoxicated with the buzzing urban atmosphere.
I definitely think it is a successful event. I would have loved to spend more time in the heart of it, but my stomach had other plans. Just a few blocks from the venue is my favorite noodle house / diner dive in all of Los Angeles: Cafe Suehiro.
There was also Happy Hour all night at one of the hotel lounges in Little Tokyo, but we decided that we would skip it this time. We had some art to see, and free wine to sip.